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貳房苑 LivinGreen,位於臺北市潮州街76號。這是ㄧ棟1963年完工的三層日式泥作混合鋼構老屋,後作為警察局兼員警宿舍使用多年。大約在1990年閒置至今約20年。直至2018年夏天,由經營團隊雙好設計著手改造計畫,設計核心援用老屋過去的建材與建築元素,加入團隊成員各自的童年豐富回憶,呈現出一棟非典型的餐飲空間與菜單設計。
LivinGreen is located at Taipei City, Number 76 Chaozhou Street. The building is a three-stories Japanese styled concrete and steel old house built in 1963. It was used as a police station and a police dormitory for many years. Then it was left idle in 1990 for almost 20 years. It was until the summer of 2018, that the management team began a project plan to transform the place. The design focused on using the original materials and architectural elements of the old house and added childhood memories of the team members to present an atypical dining space and menu design.
臺灣人習慣把舊物或老房拆掉重建,但重建的建築,又經常與鄰近的社區產生一種格格不入的差異。這棟在這個社區超過56年,與周圍有種既陌生但又熟悉的共存感的老屋,我們選用周遭鄰近常見的綠色,並以設計常用的Pantone 5463號,取名為「潮州綠」。
The Taiwanese are used to tearing up old buildings or old houses to rebuild, but reconstructed buildings often create a disparity with neighboring communities. This old house has been in this community for more than 56 years and has coexisted with a strange but familiar sense. We used the color green, the Pantone 5463, common in this area and named it the “Chaozhou Green”.